12 Tips To Increase Website Traffic & Sales

(part 1)

#1 Build a List . . . Set up a way for visitors to register to be notified of site updates, special offers or newsy items. Use this to build an in-house mailing list. By sending out periodic email notices to the prospects on your list you can keep your site and products in their minds. And now that you have your list going . . . Start your own Ezine (online newsletter). It’s really not that hard. And here are some links to help you get started::

#2 Automate! Have your product list with brief descriptions & a mail-in order form available via an autoresponder. That way if people are in a hurry, or if they just aren’t ready to buy right now, your information will be in their email box. They’ll have less of a chance to forget you!

  • Your prospects simply send any email message to the autoresponder and the information is instantly sent to them. You also get a copy of their email address so that you can follow up, or add them to your in-house e-mail list. Autoresponders can also be used as an automatic follow-up tool, or to deliver weekly lessons or marketing messages

PN.: If you are interested in an auto responder Pl contact Netultimate.com for more info on this.

#3 Install a secure order form. People will be more likely to order online if you provide a way to protect their personal and financial information. And if you make it “easy” for them to order. If you don’t have a merchant account, you can either apply for one, use a 3rd party processor, or you can get check software that will let you accept checks online. Whatever you do, don’t make your customers print out an order form and send it to you . . . the order won’t get to you.

PN.: Contact Netultimate.com does affordable shopping carts and e-commerce portals.

Please Note: Netultiamte.com does optimization, link building and any thing to do with Organic search engine optimization. We do Web solutions and Software development and also Search Engine Optimization for a very affordable price because of our offshore capabilities.  Visit us www.netultimate.com and for assistance right away and contact us via live attended in the site or by phone at (703) 849 1269 (USA)/(416) 238 0270 (CANADA)/(866) 548 4613(TOLL FREE) or by email at service@netultimate.com



Building a business recession proof

It is amazing to see how money businesses go up and down along with the seasonal change of recession and non recession swing. Once in 10 to 12 years our economy gets affected by recession and if I don’t accommodate it in a business plan then this may become a wrong plan. This may sound arrogant but truly speaking it is not. Many of the business success stories were created in the recession time.

The other myths that exist is that the luxury products won’t do well in a bad economy and the things that work is only the necessity products like toilet tissues. The reason it is a myth is because, IPad was launched in this timeframe and became a success story. By any stretch of imagination iPad is not the product of necessity but a product of luxury. When IPad was launched, many people who stood in the queue to get the iPAD on the day one of the release of more than one computer in fact they have laptops but still they wanted iPad and stood in line to get it to make that as one of the most successful launch in the history.

So in a nutshell, it’s not about what kind of product or service we sell but rather the perception we create to our customer and the way we connect with them. I do understand not all businesses can become Apple in marketing their products. But every business can plan now how they will connect their product or service with their customer ,that they feel the necessity to get it and mainly through your business.

You got to have a business plan for business. This may sound simple, but it’s weird to know how many businesses fail because of lack of business plan. Good times and bad times got to be packaged in the business plan. Otherwise we could become a real estate investor who might’ve thought the value of the property will only go up to learn a hard lesson.

You may be thinking, this would be good if I would only heard this before I launched my business but now my business is up and running and what we do now. This is very true, but what you can do is putting a business plan now and figure out what is the right way to do to turn around the business. Many times it could be even simple things that could turn around a business to your wildest imagination.

  • good customer service or improvement in that area
  • inquiring and understanding your customer on the product, service you provide
  • interviewing the customer on the improvements that they seek from your business
  • taking your business online to sell your product or service beyond the boundaries of your operation at this time
  • running some exciting promotions to keep your business fresh and exciting for your customer base
  • changes or upgrades in your marketing strategy

The above are only samples for your thoughts. You should interview, inquire, and investigate your business to see what works and what doesn’t. It is very important to chart out the business plan on a board to do the reality check. If you believe in your product or the service you provide strongly and if you have a good business plan that is covered for both good times and the bad times and if you’re open minded to improve, enhance and expand the business can be turned around or taken to the next level. You can contact our courtesies customer service advisors to chart out online expansion of your business also coupon and discount marketing and for online marketing strategy and cost effective solution if needed at nextultimate.com