How to start a business online and take it to the top

How to start a business online and take it to the top

Even with no experience and no investment

Old paradigm of thinking is you got to have lot of money and also lot of experience under your belt in case if you want to start a business and succeed in it. But in the Internet era, this old thinking has been shattered and many success stories have been created by people who have absolutely no experience or even money for that matter. Even then many people refuse to change with the new paradigm of thinking that is, you can start a business online and take it to the top even working from your home with no experience and no investment.

Today we see some smart school kids with some great ideas launching business and succeeding to the greatest heights shattering the old thoughts that only one way to succeed in life is going to school and having a good college education and working for a big corporation. It is not only about the young entrepreneurial success stories like Facebook, Twitter or YouTube etc. it is very common today to see school going and college going kids doing transactions over the Internet by selling some product or ideas and end up making more money than their parents and they pears. Today you can make a decision to take your existing off-line business online or start an online business with absolutely no business background.

If you are an entrepreneur, you already have a running business and as you know the power of Internet and you want to take your existing business online too then this is what  we will do

  1. Think of your web business as starting another branch operation for your existing business
  2. Break the mindset of serving through your business only the local area [this not be the case if you are physical service provider]
  3. Plan  taking and handling orders through the medium of Internet [7 x24]
  4. Write down how and where you are going to ship the products [in case of store]
  5. Plan about the payment acceptance by online and even by mobile
  6. Think of the customer service needs and possible customer complaints that may arise

If you want to start online business and you don’t have experience or  investments these are the steps to follow.

  1. Write your idea and visualize the whole operation from start to end.
  2. Make a decision on what you want to accomplish, either selling products or services or both or your business will specialize in traffic building like social media
  3. Do you have plans on the revenue generation for your business
  4. Are there any businesses available today doing the similar thing that you want to do and if so what is the value your business will bring that doesn’t already exist
  5. How long it will take for you to make money and the profit
  6. Brainstorm your idea with the confidential and trustworthy mastermind group

Once you analyze the following steps you can get onto the action plan. Contact the web development company that you want to deal with to discuss your action plan. One of the thing I will recommend you is not just going to any  web designer but going to a specialist or a specialist company that expertise both in web and software development as well as Internet marketing. As we always believe starting your business or website is most easiest thing compare to the execution of the marketing. In specific I want the web development and the software company to have expertise in the following areas of Internet marketing essentially such as

  1. search engine optimization [SEO]
  2. search engine marketing [SEM]
  3. social media marketing
  4. online advertisement campaign running
  5. e-mail marketing
  6. coupon and discount marketing [applies to some businesses]
  7. mobile marketing

And more…

Once you find the company that has all about what we discussed and expertise then you got to contact them to see if they can provide you solution with no investment in a way to share the revenue. Now the companies will be forced to discuss with you the viability of your product and you be open to their thoughts and ideas and you work with only that company that believes in your project and willing to venture with you. You be open for their ideas and modification recommended by them especially if you believe and trust their expertise and understanding in establishing online businesses and making the successful.

You can also feel free to contact the affordable web solutions and Internet marketing company that specializes in establishing online businesses and making it successful with no money down and no contract confidently. Our friendly customer service will discuss and understand your business needs and come out with a Plan that is tailor-made just made for you. Do share this article and also provide comments and feedbacks on any questions you may have as we are looking to improve ourselves all the time.


How to Brand and gain Customer relation- Customer Loyalty and Business Success Online

If you’re a Small Business or Online Business, who wants to know the secrets of Brand Building and Business Success online, then you’re about to discover how to gain Customer relation Customer Loyalty right now! and hence making your brand and your business a grand success. In fact, if you want to know Business Success Online, then this new article – “How to Brand and gain Customer relation- Customer Loyalty and Business Success Online” – gives you the answers to important questions and challenges every Small Businesses and Online Businesses faces, including:

– Building a brand for your business success

– Customer relation

– Customer Loyalty

-Customer Retention

– Business Success Online

– And much  more!

Even though we want to discuss more on building a brand online, let us first see what a brand is and how to get started for a business. Your brand is the core of the business that is the vision you have for which you get up and run the business relentlessly. In other words a brand is what you want to deliver to your customers and you believe in. This could be different for different businesses. For example Wal-Mart’s brand is everyday low price, Starbucks brand is the ‘Experience’, Apple’s brand is ‘Cool’, and McDonald’s brand is the Golden arch serving billions of burgers every day with consistent taste. You can see here easily, these companies have the brand not impress their customers rather that is what they believed in to begin with. Much time we think only the big businesses have brands and that is far from the truth. These big businesses where small once and to be precise they existed only in the minds of the creators and they had this vision, around which they created their business which in turn became their brand and eventually gained customer awareness, customer loyalty and customer retention respectively.

This is not going to be different for any business including yours. So for brand building for your business, you  must ask  for some soul-searching questions like why did you dream of starting this business, what makes your business different, what do you want your customers to remember your business as, etc. The more you start searching for the sole and the passion of your business then you will able to find out what your business stands for and will stand for and develop it is a brand.

Many time businesses think that their brand is in the website or logo or in the Face book page or the LinkedIn or Twitter profile. Even though all the above represent your business brand, your brand is essentially in the hearts and minds of you, your employees and your customers. Much time we see businesses spending a lot of money in building their brand, which could be okay but not absolutely necessary. In case of Wal-Mart for example, they didn’t published everywhere on the website, TV ads and any other form of communication that they deliver low price everyday to build the brand rather they just relentlessly focused on delivering you every day low products and hence building the brand.

The process of building brand for a business happens at every step of the way at every stage. The way we are excited to open the business, receiving the customers, receiving the phone calls, delivering service, customer handling, going extra miles in servicing all conveys the brand of your business. What do your customer think about your business as they think of your business is your business brand. What do you want your customers to think your business as they think of your business is your business brand.

Now make sure, your website, logo, Face book page and all your social media profiles also represent your brand. So building a brand for your business should be a bottom-up approach rather than top-down approach. The main difference between top-down approach and the bottom-up approach is in the top-down approach you and your management team finalize what will sound good for your customers and suggest taglines etc. and put that as your brand and you promote that heavily. Whereas in the bottom-up approach you find the soul and passion of the business and convey that through your business off-line and also through your website, logo, tagline, Face book, twitter, linked in etc.

You maybe even a one-person business today or a small business and maybe developed to medium-sized business and one day into a large business and all these things in and around of your business can and may change except that one thing. The heart and soul of the business on which you and your organization is focused relentlessly to deliver and that is your business brand.

Your customers who follow the soul of your business walk in to your business online or off-line because any of your competitors can deliver the product and service what you deliver but not the brand you deliver. You customers are excited because they get what they felt they will get and also they get what you said they will get. There is no black magic and this creates a great customer relation.

These customers of yours become so satisfied they start coming in again and again in to your business whenever they need the product and service that you sell and thus developing customer loyalty. In fact they become so loyal to your business, they become your brand ambassadors and thus causing customer retention and exponential growth of your business.

If you’re looking to express the soul of your business through online you can contact one of our friendly and knowledgeable customer service representatives at and we will be excited to understand what you are looking for your business and express it online exactly the way you want by custom building your website, logo, social media outlets and your Internet marketing strategy. We will also recommend you to subscribe for our business blog in the feed burner e-mail subscription on the right top to get our business building strategies regularly that can help you and your business.

Expand your customer base online

A business can go only that for using their offline set up in reaching the customer base. Of course the offline setups have its own advantage in providing an easy reach for the customers to come and welkin and make personnel selection of products etc.  having said that, there is a huge customer base consist of Seniors and teens and working adults who want to avoid the strain of getting out of their comfort and get things at their door steps rather.

There is another set of huge sector that is interested in bargain shopping and surfing any online coupon sites and discounts. They also understand online market is pretty comparative and they can get the best deals out there. So they are browsing online for sales and deal.

Online operation makes a business boundary less and serves a vast area. We have to keep in mind that online arena had made the whole world a small village.  This has opened up a huge market for the smart business people who take advantage of current trend. As the mobile phones get more powerful and data plans start getting cheaper and cheaper, many people are looking for what they want even on the mobile. This is another major cliental and new arena where businesses are rushing to cash in.

Depending upon their need, business today have more mobile friendly, Search Engine Friendly informational website or ecommerce / mobile commerce website  and also promote it by social media. Now a days social media plays a roll that is equivalent or bigger than Search engines.

As a business who is looking to grow and thrive at this time, talk to an expert consultant who can recommend you the exact online model that can fit for your business and also structure more aggressive online marketing strategy.  Don’t leave any stone un turned. Hit on all fronts including Search Engine Optimization, Social Media Marketing and Email Marketing. Reach out to your customers.  Break the boundary paradigm and shift to boundary less paradigm and in term from limited customer base to unlimited customer base.

It is very important to plan out a strategy with a strategist who understands the online business as well as the marketing aspects. Also important to set a game plan and monitor and accomplish your business goal. Great online Presence. Mobile Strategry, Search Engine Optimization and Social Media Marketing are the four legs of the table that can lift your business to an incredible high.