A-Z Tips to Increase Site Visitors (part 2)

  1. Set up an affiliate marketing program.
    With affiliate marketing, you can either pay per click, pay per lead generated, pay per sale, or pay per customer acquired.
  2. Use smart public relations (PR).
    Get news coverage of your business and your site. Approach online and traditional media. This will often lead to others placing links pointing to your website, which leads to more clicks and also to improved search engine rankings.
  3. Use E-mail marketing.
    Ugly, but effective for the cost. Blast out your special offers, but be nice about it.
  4. Use off-line marketing.
    Promote your site. Put your url on all your license plates. Paint it on your car. Buy newspaper and yellow pages ads with your url. Put up flyers and stickers. Sponsor a little league team. Do anything and everything to spread the word about your website around your city.
  5. Run regular promotions.
    Stage regular giveaways and spread the word about it.
  6. Get published.
    Write articles for publication on other websites. The author profile will link to your site. The article will show that you’re an expert.
  7. Publish yourself.
    Write articles for your own site regularly. This will help you to win on the search engines and gives your visitors a reason to come back over and over.
  8. Ask for reviews.
    Ask for reviews of your self-published articles on other webmasters’ websites. Ask for reviews of your website, your products, your software, your services. These will usually include links to your articles.
  9. Write briefs.
    Write daily or weekly news briefs focusing in on your industry or specialty area. This keeps your site “fresh” in the eyes of the major search engines and helps you to spread a wide net when fishing for top search engine positions.


Please Note: Netultiamte.com does optimization, link building and any thing to do with Organic search engine optimization. We do Web solutions and Software development and also Search Engine Optimization for a very affordable price because of our offshore capabilities.  Visit us www.netultimate.com and for assistance right away and contact us via live attended in the site or by phone at (703) 849 1269 (USA)/(416) 238 0270 (CANADA)/(866) 548 4613(TOLL FREE) or by email at service@netultimate.com